
Here you will find a sel­ec­tion of pu­bli­ca­ti­ons from WAGENER & HERBST.

Wagener, N. / Aritua, B. / Zhu, T.: The New Silk Road: Opportunities for Global Supply Chains and Challenges for Further Development. LogForum 2020, 16 (2), 193–207. PDF 
The New Silk Road: Opportunities for Global Supply Chains and Challenges for Further Development; Präsentation von Wagener, N. / Aritua, B. / Zhu, T. zum WSL Forum 2019 PDF 
20.06.2017 Wagener N., (2017): Intermodal Logistics Centres and Freight Corridors – Concepts and Trends. LogForum 13 (3), 273–283. PDF
12.05.2017 Intermodal Logistics Centres and Freight Corridors – Concepts and Trends; Präsentation von Dr. Wagener zum WSL Forum 2017 PDF
20.04.2017 Investigation on the de­ve­lo­p­ment per­spec­ti­ves of the har­bor Eisenhüttenstadt; Presentation by Dr. Wagener on the German-Polish eco­no­mic talks PDF
29.09.2014 Wagener, Norbert (2014): Intermodal trans­port in eu­ro­pe — op­por­tu­ni­ties th­rough in­no­va­ti­on. LogForum 10 (4), 371–382. PDF
01.02.2013 Kurzdarstellung SCANDRIA Add-on Projekt Ilotech / Executive Summary of SCANDRIA Add-on Project Ilotech PDF
15.07.2012 Schifffahrt Hafenbahnbahn & Technik 7/2012: “Technology com­pa­ri­son of KV-hand­ling sys­tems for non-cra­ne trucks — Innovative hand­ling tech­ni­ques bring ModalShift” PDF
16.01.2012 Press re­lease Logistiknetz Berlin-Brandenburg: “Logistics for sea­ports from Berlin-Brandenburg” PDF
22.06.2010 Railway Market 01/2010: “Crossroads bet­ween East and West — Vilnius pu­blic lo­gi­stics cent­re (Vilnius freight center)” PDF
02.05.2010 TRACECA Transport and Trade Atlas PDF
21.11.2009 DVZ ar­tic­le: “GVZ in Vilinius wi­th German start-up aid” PDF
28.01.2009 Berliner Morgenpost Article: “Outstanding lo­ca­ti­on — we want to be part of the Champions League of lo­gi­stics lo­ca­ti­ons in Europe by 2020”
10.11.2008 MIR ak­tu­ell 02/08 “Hub in sea­port hin­ter­land traf­fic — op­por­tu­ni­ty for Brandenburg as a lo­gi­stics location?” PDF
17.10.2008 “Quality Management Systems for Railway Passenger Services: The Case of the Hellenic Railways” PDF
03.09.2008 Compendium “Maritime Transport” pu­blished by Biebig, Althof and Wagener in the 4th, com­ple­te­ly re­vi­sed edition PDF
15.09.2005 Lecture at the HRK con­fe­rence — “Approach and re­sults for the in­tro­duc­tion of qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment sys­tems in ser­vice com­pa­nies using the ex­am­p­le of pas­sen­ger and freight transport” PDF
15.05.2005 DER NAHVERKEHR Article: “Quality ma­nage­ment for bet­ter chan­ces in com­pe­ti­ti­on — Rhein-Neckar bus ser­vice in­crea­ses ser­vice qua­li­ty wi­th stan­dard DIN EN 13816”
05.03.2005 Delphi stu­dy: “Public trans­port mar­ket of the fu­ture” — fi­nal report PDF
01.11.2004 DVZ ar­tic­le “Port of Wismar opens up ad­di­tio­nal pro­fit potential” PDF
01.10.2004 Traffic & Technology Articles on the prac­ti­cal se­mi­nar in Berlin: “Service qua­li­ty in pu­blic trans­port ac­cor­ding to DIN EN 13816” PDF
14.02.2002 HACCP lec­tu­re at the German Food Hygiene Day, Darmstadt PDF