Success through quality management
The focus of our organisational consulting lies in quality management. Quality is there when the customer returns, and not the goods. With management systems your company is able to fully meet the agreed services.
A key aspect at the interface between strategy, organisation and customer is the structural development. Strategically optimally positioned companies are supported by six steps on the way to the “best practice”:
- defining products in a customer-oriented manner,
- recording processes, evaluating and analysing processes,
- optimising processes,
- the establishment of a process-oriented organisational structure
You will receive from us, among others, the following services for organisational development and quality management:
- An actual analysis of your business processes
- Processes for optimum process design
- Job profiles / work instructions
- Clear rules on tasks, powers and responsibilities
- Support and further development of your QM system as well as internal audits acc. ISO 9001
Of course we also offer customised quality management training courses.
A prerequisite for data-based company management is the establishment of management information systems, that is:
- Cost and profit center calculation
- Quality Information System
- Controlling as a planning and control instrument
We support you with the correct development of these instruments and their implementation in the company.
In a company structured according to products and processes, routine work can no longer be reorganised on a daily basis and the available capacities can be used to meet the real challenges of your market. Errors in product and process are immediately recognisable and can be remedied.