
A so­lu­ti­on for small wa­ter­ways of CEMT class I and II is of­fe­red by the Watertruck+ con­cept which was de­ve­lo­ped in Belgium and is EU-fun­ded. The con­cept is ba­sed on mo­du­lar­ly de­si­gned and de­ad­weight-op­ti­mi­sed ship ty­pes, which can be self-pro­pel­led or eco­no­mic­al­ly ope­ra­ted as ligh­ters in push boat-ligh­ter com­bi­na­ti­ons. For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on, watch this vi­deo.

Currently 25 ships are un­der con­s­truc­tion. It is plan­ned to crea­te a Europe-wi­de fleet of 500 ships. WAGENER & HERBST sup­ports the Watertruck+ pro­ject as a con­sul­tant for East Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Baltic States and Scandinavia. The W&H Inland Navigation ex­perts Dr. Georg Seidel and Dr. Norbert Wagener will gl­ad­ly pro­vi­de fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on and will ad­vi­se you free of char­ge if you are in­te­res­ted in Watertruck+.
Please cont­act us by eMail at info[at]wagener-herbst.com, key­word “Watertruck+”.

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