The foundation stone for container terminal in the Vilnius GVZ laid

On 27 August 2013, the foun­da­ti­ons we­re laid for the con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal of the Lithuanian Railway LG in Vilnius. The ter­mi­nal will have a ca­pa­ci­ty of 100,000 TEU. Construction cos­ts amount to LTL 109.6 mil­li­on (EUR 31.7 mil­li­on). Perspectives are seen as a hin­ter­land lo­ca­ti­on for Klaipeda and as an im­portant hub for re­gio­nal dis­tri­bu­ti­on and in­ter­na­tio­nal con­tai­ner traf­fic in the di­rec­tion of Belarus / South Eastern Europe and Russia / Asia.

The im­portance of this event was un­der­li­ned by the pre­sence of Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius, Minister of Transport Rimantas Sinkevicius, the ma­yor of Vilnius and the Vilnius County Council. The ci­ty of Vilnius and Vilnius County joint­ly ope­ra­te the de­ve­lo­p­ment of the Vilnius freight center.

The fe­a­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy for the GVZ in­clu­ding the con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal was rea­li­zed by Ernst & Young Baltic, Wagener & Herbst and IPG on be­half of LG. The Director General of the LG Stasys Dailydka ex­press­ly than­ked the German part­ners for the good co­ope­ra­ti­on in the rea­liza­ti­on of this pro­ject of na­tio­nal im­portance. Wagener & Herbst ac­tively par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the plan­ning of the Lithuanian GVZ in Vilnius, Kaunas and Siauliai th­rough mar­ket re­se­arch and fi­nan­cial and busi­ness studies.

The foun­da­ti­on stone for con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal in the Vilnius GVZ laid
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