Inland navigation — the topic of the 5th Lindstedt Talks

On June 18, 2014, the Lindstedt Talks took place for the fifth time in the Lindstedt Palace in Potsdam. The event was again or­ga­nis­ed by WAGENER & HERBST on be­half of the Brandenburg Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture (MIL).

The to­pic “Future pro­s­pects for the Brandenburg in­land wa­ter­ways in Trans-European net­works” at­trac­ted a gre­at deal of in­te­rest among the par­ti­ci­pa­ting re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves from in­dus­try and politics.

Horst Stiegler, mem­ber of the board of di­rec­tors of the lo­gi­stics net­work Berlin-Brandenburg, mo­de­ra­ted the event which was ope­ned by Egbert Neumann, Department Head Transportation MIL, stan­ding in for Transport Minister Jörg Vogelsänger, who could not at­tend be­cau­se of sche­du­ling con­flicts. His in­iti­al state­ment de­scri­bed the cu­rent si­tua­ti­on, ob­jec­ti­ves and plans re­gar­ding in­land na­vi­ga­ti­on from the point of view of Brandenburg’s government.

The th­ree state­ments by Martin Bock, Managing Director of Fürstenwalder Futtermittel-Getreide-Landhandel GmbH & Co. KG (AGRAVIS Group); Heinrich Ahlers, Chairman of the Management Board of Bussport Logistics GmbH & Co. KG and Dr. Dietmar Rehmann, Head of the Hamburg branch of HTAG Häfen und Transport AG, Duisburg; show­ed that the po­si­ti­ve de­ve­lo­p­ment of  ElbePort Wittenberge and HavelPort in Wustermark pro­ve the po­ten­ti­al of in­land na­vi­ga­ti­on in Brandenburg. The de­ve­lo­p­ment of in­land na­vi­ga­ti­on in the ca­pi­tal re­gi­on is, ho­we­ver, se­ver­ely ham­pe­red, in par­ti­cu­lar, by the com­ple­te­ly ina­de­qua­te, mo­re than 100 ye­ars old locks in Kleinmachnow and Fürstenwalde. Because of the lock-in­du­ced bot­t­len­ecks, ne­ga­ti­ve in­vest­ment de­cis­i­ons have al­re­a­dy be­en ma­de by ship­pers. The crea­ti­on of plan­ning and in­vest­ment se­cu­ri­ty wi­th re­gard to the up­grading of the­se locks is in­dis­pensable for the eco­no­mic fu­ture of who­le regions.

The sub­se­quent dis­cus­sion, which was very li­vely wi­th the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of lo­cal po­li­ti­ci­ans and par­lia­men­ta­ri­ans, ma­de it clear that a coor­di­na­ted po­si­tio­ning of af­fec­ted and in­te­res­ted freight for­war­ders, lo­gi­stics com­pa­nies, eco­no­mic as­so­cia­ti­ons as well as mu­ni­ci­pal and sta­te po­li­ti­ci­ans is ne­ces­sa­ry and de­si­red. The com­mon in­te­rests are to be re­pre­sen­ted even mo­re em­pha­ti­cal­ly against the Federal le­vel, which is re­spon­si­ble for most of the re­le­vant in­land wa­ter­way in­fra­struc­tu­re, so that in­land wa­ter­way trans­port as an en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly and eco­no­mic trans­port sec­tor can make even grea­ter con­tri­bu­ti­ons to eco­no­mic and en­vi­ron­men­tal ef­fi­ci­en­cy in Brandenburg.

The fol­lo­wing pre­sen­ta­ti­ons are available for down­load:

Neumann_MIL_Lindstedt_20140618.pdf (2,1 MB) 

Ahlers_Buss_Lindstedt_20140618.pdf (1,0 MB) 

Rehmann_HTAG_Lindstedt_20140618.pdf (0,8 MB) 

Inland na­vi­ga­ti­on — the to­pic of the 5th Lindstedt Talks
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