Innovative technologies for the transport of goods from road to rail have good chances in Brandenburg

The WAGENER & HERBST Management Consultants GmbH, Potsdam-ba­sed lo­gi­stics con­sul­tancy WAGENER & HERBST Management Consultants GmbH, was com­mis­sio­ned by the Joint Land Planning Department of Berlin and Brandenburg wi­thin the frame­work of the EU-fun­ded pro­ject to pro­vi­de tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic op­por­tu­ni­ties for the shift of freight trans­port from road to rail and the in­te­gra­ti­on of trans­port mo­des in mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port chains in the Scandria® cor­ri­dor pro­ject Ilotech.

For this, in­no­va­ti­ve tech­no­lo­gy con­cepts for the loa­ding of non-cra­neable loa­ding units we­re ana­ly­zed: CargoBeamer, MegaSwing, Mobiler, ISU, Flexiwaggon etc. The stu­dy show­ed that the use of the­se con­cepts to re­du­ce lo­gi­stics cos­ts and to en­su­re sus­tainable mo­bi­li­ty and the achie­ve­ment of en­vi­ron­men­tal ob­jec­ti­ves Carbon foot­print). In ad­di­ti­on, the­se con­cepts open up new per­spec­ti­ves for va­rious lo­ca­ti­ons in Berlin and Brandenburg and streng­then the po­si­ti­on of the re­gi­on as a hub in the Scandinavian — Adriatic corridor.

The re­sults of the stu­dy we­re pre­sen­ted to a broad group of po­ten­ti­al users in autumn 2012 du­ring the spe­ci­fic events (work­shops and con­fe­ren­ces). The fi­nal ver­si­on of the re­port pu­blished in May 2013 can be ob­tai­ned free of char­ge upon re­quest wi­th the key­word “Ilotech Report” un­der in­fo [at]

Innovative tech­no­lo­gies for the trans­port of goods from road to rail have good chan­ces in Brandenburg
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