Ralf Behrens becomes Managing Director and Shareholder of WAGENER & HERBST Management Consultants GmbH

Since January 1, 2011, Ralf Behrens has be­en working wi­th Dr. Norbert Wagener Managing Director and share­hol­der of WAGENER & HERBST Management Consultants GmbH.

Prior to that, Mr. Behrens was a ma­na­ger, pro­ject ma­na­ger and se­ni­or con­sul­tant, among others, as head of rail­ways, freight trans­port and lo­gi­stics at Dornier Consulting GmbH, CEO of GVZ Kiel eV, aut­ho­ri­zed si­gna­to­ry and head of com­pa­ny de­ve­lo­p­ment at sea­port Kiel and head of trans­port, lo­gi­stics and ma­nage­ment at HPC Hamburg Port Consulting GmbH ,

Ralf Behrens be­co­mes Managing Director and Shareholder of WAGENER & HERBST Management Consultants GmbH
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