W & H presents German GVZ model and study to PLC Siauliai in Lithuania

On 25.11.2010, an in­ves­tor con­fe­rence took place in Siauliai, whe­re Rüdiger Hage (CEO of ipg) and Wulfram Overmann (pro­ject ma­na­ger W&H) par­ti­ci­pa­ted.

The re­sults of the just com­ple­ted fe­a­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy we­re pre­sen­ted to the Public Logistics Center (PLC) Siaulai, which was or­ga­ni­zed by a Lithuanian-German con­sor­ti­um con­sis­ting of Ernst & Young Baltic and the two Potsdam-ba­sed com­pa­nies ipg and W & H.

The Lithuanian te­le­vi­si­on sta­ti­on Siauliai TV re­ports on the con­fe­rence. Wulfram Overmann al­so pre­sen­ted the op­por­tu­ni­ties of the lo­gi­stics cen­ter Siauliai in a 40-mi­nu­te live busi­ness stalk­show from STV wi­th the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of the ma­yor of Siauliai Genadijus Miksys.

W & H pres­ents German GVZ mo­del and stu­dy to PLC Siauliai in Lithuania
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